Shining Resonance Characters Unveiled

While Shining Resonance is about a month away from release in Japan, Sega has decided to release another of its monthly press releases. This time, his main goal was to introduce more characters related to the scenario, as well as some of the merchants that players can expect. meet during their trip. Read our translation below.

Character introductions

Jenius Aion (expressed by Hiroshi Kamiya)

"Know that as a person walking the path of dragons, you will be struck by this blade in my hands."

Jenius is a major obstacle in the journey of Yuuma and his company. A talented swordsman, he is known for shooting legendary dragons with his only blade. However, he has no affiliation with any of the major powers, but is seeking solitary dragons, making his priorities more ambiguous. At the very least, the Imperial forces do not consider him an ally at all, given their own dependence on the dragons themselves, especially after defeating Gae Bulg, one of the Dragons. Machina. Be that as it may, Yuuma's destiny is deeply connected to him because he holds many of the underlying keys to the underlying process.

King Albert (voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka)

King Albert is Sonia's father and the man who runs Astoria. A wise man who always thinks of the needs of his people, has won the trust of the citizens. Of course, as a great man, Sonia addresses and respects her deeply. Formerly Dragoner, after being wounded in battle, he has since kept not to appear on the front lines. Conscious of the latent powers of Yuuma, he sends Sonia to rescue him in the hope of becoming an ally.

Captain Barrows (by Unsho Ishizuka)

Captain Barrows is the Chief of the Knights of Astoria. Magnanimous, he is considered the right arm of King Albert and has a long military experience in protecting the inhabitants of his kingdom with his knights and the fight against the empire. He has some irritation with Yuuma, who remains reluctant to align entirely with Astoria for fear of his dragon powers. Captain Barrows is also Sonia's instructor on saber fighting.

New place: Malga

Malga is the capital of the kingdom of Asturias and is therefore the main base of operations of Yuuma and his party. Epicenter of world affairs, it is believed that the gods inhabit the city and it has long been considered to occupy a special place in society because of its historical links with Alfheim. Indeed, it is after "the great war of the dragons" that Astoria was founded by humans who had settled on the island. Its current leader is King Albert, Sonia's father.


Like any RPG, Shining Resonance is home to a myriad of merchants who will make life easier for Yuuma and others in their business. Rizelotte, for example, is an elven, colorful-eyed woman who travels around the world to buy and sell various goods. She specializes in objects and materials, as well as in a handful of skills. Although it is most often found in Malga, it will also appear every time you decide to camp, which means that the fills of critical articles are never far away.

Meanwhile, Rapple, the blindfolded alchemist, can craft items and skills in materials, including items that can not be purchased at Rizelotte. So it's a good time to visit him when you have excess material that needs to be eliminated or just need a few extra items on hand all around. It is particularly useful for Skill Pieces because Rizelotte sells only the most basic types, which means it is necessary to use its services if you want to make the most of the Skill Tuning system and have access to a wide range of skills.

There is also Lyle, an eyeglass craftsman who can develop the party equipment. By using his services, you can change the nature of the characters' agreement on their weapons, by giving them properties very different from those they had before. Since Accord changes can only be made through Lyle, it is wise to visit him before embarking on big quests. Lyle can also exchange skills, although this can also be done at any time on your own initiative.

Finally, there is Emma, ​​the woman who runs the Seagull Inn. Talking with her and staying overnight will allow the group to heal their VPs and MPs.

Beyond these main installations, Malga also has a library in which you can view information about the characters you've seen before and the monsters you've collected the figures, as well as view cinematics and tutorials again. . The figures, for the record, can be obtained either by drops of monster battles, or by lucky egg machines that can be found in Malga.


The people of Malga have all kinds of problems and demands that you can choose to tackle, with special beacons located above their heads that you can see when you run around town. If you help them, you will probably get a reward in return and you can even receive requests for characters that you hope to receive. If you happen to spot someone in a desperate situation, give them a hand and see what happens!